Renew Wedding Vows? Tiger Woods Elin Nordegren

Renew Wedding Vows? Tiger Woods Elin Nordegren Well with Tiger Woods just getting back in to the sport of golf after the recent sex scandal just a mere five months ago, it seems that Woods and his wife Elin Nordegren aren’t looking at taking things slowly either. Tiger Woods addressed his wife telling her that he wanted to renew their wedding vows together. Tiger Woods was cheating on Elin Nordegren with many different women as soon as just five months ago. Tiger has been in the midst of getting his golf career back together and after being out for many months he is sure to make a rusty appearance back into the game. The billionaire golfer is also desperately trying to work his marriage out though. A source from PopEater website said: “Tiger knows this will be the most important event of his life. If he has any chance of winning back his fans, and more importantly his sponsors, he has to play his best game ever.”

“Then, to strike while the iron is hot, he plans on renewing his wedding vows and finally putting a period at the end of this horrid sentence in his life.”

It might be great for Tiger Woods’ marriage to renew his vows, but is it what Elin Nordegren wants for her life? The once Swedish model has reported to have other concerns for their marriage. Reports have come in saying that she wants to continue her plans to divorce Tiger Woods because she has grown so angry that he is trying to return to golf so quickly.

Some more reporters stated:
“He really was focused on his family for a while there, sinking his teeth into his therapy.”
“But now he’s spending 16 hours a day on the practice ground, putting his game first, like the selfish, narcissistic husband he is. It’s made Elin realize there won’t be any real end to this and she needs to get out.”


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